четвъртък, януари 11, 2007

Do To Others What You Would Have Them Do To You

Pece and Radica are former student leaders and now involved with the grads group in Varna. They both graduated and were certified to work as medical doctors. Being the top score international student, Pece was given the opportunity to give an address at their graduation ceremony. There were altogether nearly 1000 students, parents and guests there. He mentioned the promise “I wll not harm patients” in the Hippocrates' oath and said that it's a good thing to say. And then he continued: "But for me, being a Christian, there is another saying given by Jesus Christ, namely: 'Do for others what you want them to do for you'. I hope that we should all strive to do what Christ commanded." There was a second of silence and then the audience bravoed. Hopefully, all these people will remember these words and will one day turn to their Author.