The American school for girls in Stara Zagora |
Elias Riggs, one of the first misisonaries in Bulgaria. |
Later schools
were founded also for girls in Stara Zagora and Lovech. All these schools gave
high quality education to hundreds of Bulgarian children and through the modern
methods of education it helped for the overall reformation of the other
Bulgarian schools. Through the contact with American culture, science and
literature, the schools were instrumental in forming a new, Biblical worldview
in their pupils.
A graduate
from the school in Lovech shared with me that she studied there for just one
year before the communists closed down the school in 1948. Yet, the time spent
at the American school transformed radically her worldview and attitude to the
world. Since the teachers were actually Protestant missionaries, she was
greatly impressed by the way they treated the students. Although they didn’t
teach directly the Bible, she became a Christian through their witness and
behavior. English language became synonymous to her for Christianity!