Also, there are some encouraging responds already. One student got a copy of the DVD and asked for another one, “so I could give it to a friend of mine”. Another student was very thankful she could finally find the Bible text in electronic format and said she will install it on her computer, so she could read the Bible. The students in Sofia cleaned the thrash before a student dorm together with some non-Christians living there, after which gave each of them a copy of the Top Spot DVD, too ( ). The students in Varna ran a Student Service at the Pentecost Church, where they promoted the Top Spot project, interviewed students, graduates, introduced BCSU, presented a sketch (inspired by the European Conference in Austria), and finally I preached on John 4 (“Everyone’s Invited to God’s Kingdom”). The Christian students invited their friends, so there were about 12 non-Christian students present at the service, some of which Muslem (plus a couple of Nigerian students). They liked it all, so we continue praying for them. Of course, they also got a copy of the Top Spot DVD. Some of the students have given copies to their University Library, as well. We are thinking of giving some to some of the big TV companies.
Other than that, the group in Sofia also organised an Easter party with lots of food, games and a message about Easter. There were 3 non-Christian student there. Before that, a BCSU student (who organised the event) plus 2 of us from the BCSU staff, took part in a debate in the New Bulgarian University (the biggest private university in Bulgaria - see picture). There were about 30 non-Christian students there, and a couple of professors. The debate was on the occasion of Easter, and each one of us was given 15 minutes to say why we believe Easter was a historical event. Each one of us spoke respecitvely about the ethical, historical and psichological arguments for the authenticity of Easter and Christianity, for that matter. There were also questions at the end, which was great, so we could add other considerations for which we would not otherwise have time in our presentations. We have also sent our presentations in written form so they could be posted on the university website! It goes without saying, that all who attended got a copy of the DVD, plus a copy of the John Gospel (our special student edition) and a copy of the “Evolution or Creation” book by D. Svilenov.
We thank God for:
- the successful launching of the Top Spot Project, the events we were able to run in order to promote it and the great interest in both Christian and non-Christian students to it
- the good response in many Bulgarian churches who collected free offerings for the Top Spot Project and make it happen!
- the Easter debate at NBU, in spite of the fact that Christian organisations are not allowed to hold official events on campus
Please, pray for:
- our continued efforts in sharing the faith with non-Christian students through the Top Spot DVD; for more funding for the project for large scale promotion through a website, media and different events
- both the social project and summer project that we will run in July – for a good number of Christian and non-Christian students to attend (we need about 5-10 Bulgarian students for the first and about 30-40 for the latter event), together with the students from IVCF America and UCCF England; for God to create a great atmosphere in which the non-Christians could share and might be open to accept the good news of Jesus Christ
- the Balkan Graduates Conference from 12-15 June in Ohrid, Macedonia – for a good number of Bulgarian alumni to attend and to be encouraged to be Christ’s ambassadors at the market place
- us to be able to raise enough funds both in Bulgaria and oversees in order to be able to cover all the expenses and the budget deficit