Last Saturday we had a BCSU Students-led church service. We had invited non-Christian students, Vania was an MC, and all the student group participated in the different parts of the program (interveiws, a sketch, songs, etc). Debi and Moni also sang in the praise team. In the end I preached (John 4) and invited new people to pray the prayer of repentance. Only one guy came forward but I hope that others have prayed, too. Altogether there were more than 10 new students which is in itself a miracle. Usually evangelical churches are avoided by the non-Christian students as some kind of sects. But I think all new people liked it, it was a very contextualised and student-relevant service. It was something new for us but the student group showed a good potential, so I hope for them to do that in the future, too. We also collected a further donation for the DVD.
We are already handing out the TopSpot DVDs to non-Christian students. We have put 5 of the videos on our website, but there they are without subtitles so far. We have had some good response and are praying for those who have watched it. One girl said she would install the Bible on her computer and read it!
Tomorrow I am leaving for Sofia, will meet with the group and some graduates. Also, there will be a debate in one of the universities on Easter, so I will take part, too.
The kids are fine. Today Moni and Debi go to the swimming pool. School is going OK for both of them. Stefan goes to kindergarten and recently took part in a show they put together for Lazarus’ day (which in Bulgaria is a strange combination of idolatry and Christianity, as you know). He was quite good. Then, yesterday, he and Monica sang in a Sunday children’s group before the church and then several people came to tell me how impressed they were with my kids. Some of the great moments of parenthood!