четвъртък, май 10, 2007

Finally I managed to find some time and place an ad that I sell my old Lada. I wonder whether people who would buy such a car ever use Internet but it's worth trying :).

Other than that it's the end of the semester. The groups in Sofia, Varna and Veliko Turnovo have had good meetings. The Alpha group in Sofia keeps attracting non-Christian students, praise God. The group at the Sofia office also had more than 20 participants last week; they invited a pastor who spoke on the ever-green topic of relationships. The group in Varna had a great FAQ about Christianity discussion. The group in Veliko Turnovo studies Acts. The groupsin Plovdiv, Blagoevgrad and Shumen need to pass the batton of leadership to new students and this transition period is being reflected in the lower attendance and ups and downs in the quality of their group life. Still, I can see a lot of potential in them - please pray for good leadership, fresh ideas and boldness in their witness for Christ!

A few days ago I talked with a deacon from a church in Varna. He told me their office is just near the student dorms and invited me to use it for activities with the students. That's a good opportunity for me, but I didn't know at the time whether I would be able to invest time and energy in this as the job of gen sec means quick trips away from home. Yet, now it seems that I will have more time for that. At the last Board meeting the Board decided to elect a new gen sec - Darena, our staff worker in Sofia. My job will be more connected with regional student work again. I will also have responsibilities on national level, like fundraising and evangelism, and maybe other things. The details of the new restructuring still need to be decided upon.

It's not going to be easy for both Vania and me as it means a lot of changes again. Still, on the other hand, I will be able to help Vania in the region and will do student work which is great. Please, pray for this transition in leadership of the movement, as well as for me to adapt quickly to my new responsibilities.